This one-page information sums up the main information about EUTEx: goal, main activities, involved organisations and countries, project duration and long-term impact.
This poster with a quote from famous Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai was given to all project partners at project start to keep them inspired and remember why we do what we do.
This brief, 3-minute video provides an overview of the outputs we have produced for our main target group: practitioners and psychologists working in prison and probation services on the reintegration and disengagement of terrorist and extremist offenders.
Voices from the project EUTEx's Final Event on 19 June 2023 in Vienna on the usefulness of the developed training and risk & strength assessment tool for prison and probation staff dealing with convicted terrorists and extremists and their families
This document provides you with a quick overview of the immediately applicable EUTEx framework which we developed. It describes the modules of the training and introduces the innovative Risk and Strength Assessment Tool.
Dieses Dokument gibt Ihnen einen schnellen Überblick über das von uns entwickelte, sofort umsetzbare EUTEx-Rahmenprogramm. Es beschreibt die Module des Trainings und stellt das innovative Tool zur Risiko- und Stärkenbewertung vor.
En este documento, le proporcionamos un breve resumen del marco EUTEx de aplicación inmediata que hemos desarrollado. En él, se describen los módulos de la formación, así como la innovadora Herramienta de Evaluación de Riesgos y Fortalezas.
Acest document vă oferă o prezentare rapidă a cadrului EUTEx imediat aplicabil pe care l-am dezvoltat. Acesta descrie modulele de formare și prezintă instrumentul inovator de evaluare a riscurilor și a rezistenței.
Detta dokument ger dig en överblick över EUTEx-ramverket som vi har utvecklat. Ramverket är omgående applicerbart. Det beskriver modulerna i utbildningen och introducerar ett innovativt verktyg för risk- och styrkebedömning.
Ez a dokumentum gyors áttekintést nyújt az általunk kifejlesztett, azonnal alkalmazható EUTEx keretrendszerről. Ismerteti a képzés moduljait, és bemutatja az innovatív kockázat- és erősségértékelő eszközt.