The EUTEx project
The disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison related to violent right-wing and Islamist extremism is a matter of urgent relevance in many European countries, not least in order to prevent further terrorist attacks. A number of activities and practices have been developed in individual countries, but significant needs remain. For instance, there is a massive need for training of prison and probation specialised staff. At the same time, existing tools need frequent and constant adaptation to reflect the most current insights in the context of reintegration and disengagement endeavours. Overall, it was and continues to be necessary to optimise and professionalise the process, include multi-agency and multi-disciplinary approaches and focus on the transition period between prison and probation which poses a particular vulnerability.
These needs can be best addressed by a framework that addresses this fragmented knowledge and skills, and adapts it to be both relevant in a local context and transferable at the European level. The development of the EUTEx framework involved relevant stakeholders and expertise in a multi-agency and multidisciplinary approach, was evidence-based, and installed crucial tools and protocols relating to risk management, collaboration among stakeholders and transition management between prison and probation.
EUTEx collected and evaluated exiting best practices and created an entirely new framework for disengagement and reintegration. The EUTEx framework consists of the EUTEx Risk & Strength Assessment Tool for risk assessment for reintegration purposes and a comprehensive training course which also involves specific approaches for women and children.
The EUTEx framework focuses specifically on specialised professionals: primarily prison staff (in particular psychologists and social workers), probation officers and professionals involved in the multi-agency approach: exit workers, police officers, members of the local administration, policymakers and researchers.

That's What We Have Achieved
The main objective of the project was to create a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of terrorist, extremist and radicalised offenders in the area of right-wing and Islamist extremism, including returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families. This will enhance the preparedness of stakeholders involved in disengagement and reintegration programmes and will strengthen their collaboration.
The expected impact was and still is an increase in quality and professionalism of the management of terrorist and extremist offenders and a long-term increase in security in Europe. This was ensured by
a needs-based approach,
an involvement of the target group in conceptualisation,
a training concept to ensure further dissemination,
networking between practice, research and policy,
increased transnational cooperation between public authorities,
participation of numerous European countries either as partners (Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Albania and Kosovo) or by attending training and dissemination events.
The general public will greatly benefit from the framework as it will ensure that terrorist and extremist offenders reintegrate successfully back into society and thus refrain from engaging in violence. The long-term impact of the action will contribute to the decrease in terrorist and extremist violence and to a more secure Europe.
Tangible And Applicable
A unique evidence base
Production of a unique evidence base by mapping and evaluating existing promising practices in disengagement and reintegration of terrorist and extremist offenders, as well as mapping existing forms of cooperation among involved actors and stakeholders and evaluating their effectiveness.
Creating & testing the framework
Created and tested the EUTEx modules on radicalisation, risk management, disengagement and reintegration - including a special module on women, children and communities. Cooperation models, transition management and gender are transversal priorities.
Rolling out training modules
Practical training is necessary for the establishment of the framework, as theoretical knowledge alone is not sufficient and will otherwise not be utilised in daily work. The outcome of this will be an optimised handling of terrorist and extremist offenders by specialised professionals.

Why we did what we did
The expected impact was and is an increase in quality and professionalism of the management of terrorist and extremist offenders and a long-term increase in security in Europe. This was ensured by a needs-based approach, an involvement of the target group in conceptualisation, a comprehensive training concept to ensure further dissemination, as well as networking between practice, research and policy.
Moreover, the projects ouputs will help to increase transnational cooperation between public authorities. The general public benefits from the created EUTEx framework as it ensures that terrorist and extremist offenders reintegrate successfully back into society and thus refrain from engaging in violence. The long-term impact of the action will contribute to the decrease in terrorist and extremist violence and to a more secure Europe.