Get to Know Us

Daniela Pisoiu
Project Coordinator & Work Package Leader 1
Daniela is Senior Researcher at oiip in Vienna, Austria. Her fields of research are terrorism, radicalisation, extremism, comparative regional security, American and European foreign and security policy. She completed her PhD at the University of St Andrews and has published widely on the topics of radicalisation, disengagement and reintegration.
Daniela Härtl
Project Administrator
Daniela is Office Manager at oiip since 2007. She is mainly responsible for the areas of finance, event management and public relations. She has obtained an University degree in Political Science and subject combination (Sociology, Communication and Economics).

Stefan Meingast
Project Manager & Work Package Leader 5
Stefan is co-founder and Chairman of the non-profit research organisation SCENOR located in Vienna, Austria. He looks back at 15+ years of experience in managing donor-funded projects. He holds a Masters degree in Political Science, Communication Science and History from the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich.

Ivo Lisitzki
Work Package Leader 2
Ivo holds a Masters degree in International Relations and is working at the Ministry of Justice and Constitution in Bremen, Germany. He has participated in several projects focussing on preventing and countering violent extremism, risk assessment tools and the evaluation of exit programmes. He has authored numerous publications on C/PVE.

Alvaro Vicente
Work Package Leader 3
Álvaro is an analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute in Spain and has participated as a researcher in publicly (Horizon 2020) and privately funded projects. He focuses on the management of jihadist extremism in Spanish prisons, the implementation of innovative trainings in prisons and the design of specialised training programmes for prison and probation staff.

Pedro Liberado
Work Package Leader 4
Pedro is Chief Research Officer and Head of Radicalisation, Violent Extremism and Organised Crime Portfolio at IPS (Innovative Prison Systems) in Portugal. He produced extensive P/CVE work related to criminal justice staff training, radicalisation risk screening and assessment and the implementation of exit programmes (incl. evaluation).
Robert Örell
Partner Contact Person (Transform)
Robert has two decades of experience in the P/CVE/CT field working with the rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremists. Since 2011 he is a member of the Steering Committee of the European Commission’s Radicalisation Awareness Network. Robert was director of Exit Sweden for ten years and program director at Exit USA for three years.

Romario Shehu
Partner Contact Person (IDM)
Romario is a Project Coordinator and researcher at the Institute for Democracy and Mediation in Albania. His work centers on violent extremism, organized crime, and foreign policy. He holds an MSc in International Relations and a BA in Political Science and International Relations.

Aferdita Jaha
Partner Contact Person (Kosovar MEST)
Aferdita is Head of the PVE team in the Kosovar Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Inovation. She implements the Strategy on Prevention of Violent Extremism and Radicalization Leading to Terrorism and involves teachers, pedagogues and psychologists in an early identification of radicalisation among students.

Ioan Durnescu
Partner Contact Person (European Strategies Consulting)
Ioan teaches and conducts research in the area of probation, prison and deradicalization. His work mainly focuses on comparative probation and reentry issues. He worked as prison inspector, probation inspector and was director of the Romanian Probation Service.

Bernd Gläser
Partner Contact Person (Neustart)
Bernd is a psychologist, mediator and therapist who works as leading policy officer at the Austrian probation service Neustart since 2012. He is in charge of a number of services, such as dealing with extremist offenders, victim support or victim-offender mediation.

Guillaume Monod
Partner Contact Person (Université de Paris-Diderot)
Guillaume is a psychiatrist, pedopsychiatrist and has a PhD in philosophy. After working for twelve years with juvenile offenders, his research focuses on mental health, violent crime, radicalisation, and rehabilitation of former offenders.

Shukrije Gashi
Partner Contact Person (Partners Kosova)
Shukrije is a Kosovar civil society activist and former journalist. She is Executive Director of the NGO Partners-Kosova - Center for Conflict Management and has been actively engaging in P/CVE projects in Kosovo since 2016. As trainer she provides expert advice and training on P/CVE locally and internationally.